Tag: New acquisitions

Dormitio Virginis

Master of Beffi (Leonardo di Sabino da Teramo?)

End of the fourteenth century

The family of Jesus meets the family of the Baptist (The Holy Kinship)

Nicola Filotesio, knwon as Cola dell’Amatrice (Amatrice 1470 ca. – before 1553)

Oil on panel

Madonna Enthroned with Child (known as “Madonna of the Jails”)

Abruzzi School

Stone relief

The cobbler

Teofilo Patini (Castel di Sangro 1840 – Naples 1906)

Oil on canvas

Madonna del Carmine with Saints Charles Borromeo, Francis of Assisi, Mark the Evangelist, Anthony of Padua and Catherine of Alexandria

Giulio Cesare Bedeschini (L’Aquila, 1582 – 1627)

Pen and brown ink, brown and grey watercolour, black and red pencil